Online Advertisements

The site is a top hit for web searches using the keywords "minority," "diversity," "postdoc," "scientist," and "resources." Thus, publishing on this site will educate our targeted audience about your opportunity. We publish postdoctoral & professional job/opportunity advertisements for all employment sectors: industry, academia, government, non-profit, etc. Use this site to implement your institution's recruitment/ outreach/ diversity/ affirmative action strategic plan.

Our online advertisement rate card and payment options are found below.

Read full documentation about our advertisement and order management system.

Consider our Subscription packages to purchase both an online advertisement and access to our DiverseScholar Doctoral Directory.

If you require other purchase information such as for banners (margin at right), for a special discount such as for a bulk request of 6+ separate advertisements, or have other questions, then please contact us at

Advertisement Rates for 2024 - 2025

A full-page ad for 1 month is the minimum choice ($400). Adding the graphic options (button, box) maximizes the visibility of your opening/opportunity to website readers. For example, 1 full-page and 1 button is $800 total for 1 month. The "1 month" column is gross rate per month in U.S. dollars. Discounts apply for 2, 3, and 6 month terms. For the services listed as "Quote," the rate will depend upon the type of institution (size, academic, for-profit, etc) and posting desired (single job opening, multiple positions, etc). A "Featured Institution" status is potentially available for clients purchasing a box banner. For advertisement agencies, we offer a 15% commission. Rates are subject to change at any time.

Option 1 month 2 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo.
Full-page $400 $533 $600 $800
+Button +$400 +$533 +$600 Quote
+Box +$800 +$1,067 +$1,200 Quote
Email Included Quote Quote Quote

Submit Advertisement Request

Full Page Ads

Advertisement text appears on a single page while all ads are included on the Job Listings page roster. The rates quoted are for one full-page so not necessarily only one opening. Thus, multiple positions can be combined on one full-page ad as long as the total text length is within a reasonable limit. The job description text should be submitted via the online form. A text (.txt) or word document (.docx) can also be uploaded along with any images such as an institution logo. The image should be at 300 dpi in TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

At these rates, only one round of minor editing is allowed to update the advertisement text so please proofread the text carefully before submission.

Each new listing appears at the top of of the Job listings page as a one line description linking to the full text of your advertisement. Recent listings are also found in the "Browse Latest Jobs" box in the website right margin. The length of time for these right margin notices is at the Editor's discretion.

Note about Institutional Subscription features:
Single-line listings in bold that link to an institution's job board on the Job Listings page are only for Institutional Subscribers at the Silver or higher level as a temporary link while their Institution Profile page is being developed.

Read about other differences between a subscription's Institution Profile page versus the plain full page advertisements described above.

Note about advertisement archives:
Closed positions have had their links deactivated on the Job listings page. They remain publicly listed as a record of our past clients as well as for institutions documenting their diversity action plans (see also these archives). However, clients can view their past ads even if they were closed using the user system.

Read full documentation about our advertisement and order management system. This includes an explanation of the info to be submitted (* = required)

  • Institution*
  • Description* = main body of advertisment. There is no formal text length limit since the user submits and formats the ad text; but, excessively long advertisements may slow the editorial review process.
  • Job Category
  • Position Level
  • Discipline

Image: Button

For more visibility on the website, we offer the placement of an image that appears on the margins of all website pages. It is the responsibility of the client to provide the image files (JPEG, GIF). The prices quoted above do not include design services (available separately at an additional rate). The image ads are limited in availability with longer contracts taking higher priority. These image ads will link to the full text of your job advertisement on the website.

example advertisement button imageA "button" image can be placed in the left margin of the website below the main navigation menu. The image should be 150 pixel width by 115 (or less) pixel height at 300 dpi (all maximum values; example in blue). Note that these buttons are not visible on the mobile version of the website due to the smaller screen space and the prioritization of box banners (below) over buttons.

Image: Box Banner

example advertisement box bannerA "box banner" image is placed in the right margin. The box image should be 300 px width x 250 px height at 300 dpi (example in purple). Client provides the image (JPEG file) that will link to the full page ad. A "Featured Institution" status is potentially available for clients purchasing a box banner advertisement. Email us for details.

Email Marketing

In the first month of publication, a one-line title of the advertisement will be included in the email announcements to our postdoc contact database with a link to the online full-page ad.

The publishing schedule below lists deadlines when advertisement copy must be received by 5pm PST. If there is enough demand, then we may add a second mailing during the month. These email announcements drive postdoc readers to our website. Schedule subject to change without notice.

Month Deadline Mailing
September 20 24
October 11 15
November 15 19
December 13 17

Advertisements can be published at any time of the month (after payment is received); but, having the ad published just before the e-newsletter mailing will maximize exposure to our listserv readers. If the submitted order misses a deadline, then the advertisement link will be included in the following month's newsletter.

Payment Options

Payment must be received before ads will be published.

Buy advertisements online! Submit your contact email address, advertisment text, and credit card payment information online to pay using the Stripe service.

We can not accept credit card numbers by phone, FAX, or email.

For more complicated orders that are not covered by the online form, contact us to indicate your advertisement(s) option(s) selection. We will forward the Stripe invoice to pay online by credit card for the customized order.

After you visit the online invoice, use the link (below the login fields) that states "Pay with a debit or credit card..." that allows you to manually enter your credit card information as well as an email address for confirmation.

Purchase Orders

To use a purchase order (P.O.) and check/wire transaction, there must be a minimum $2,000 payment (policy since February 2021). This is equivalent to five 1-month advertisements but other combinations may be used. All pre-paid ads do not have to be used at once. Instead, "unused" ads will be tracked for use at a future time with no expiration deadline.

Note that the check/PO option drastically slows the advertisement publishing process since services are not granted until payment is received, i.e. completing the vendor registration process, maintaining vendor insurance registration, waiting for the check to arrive by surface mail or wire transfer to arrive, etc. Thus, online credit card payment is the fastest method as well as allows the convenience of paying for just one advertisement order.

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