

Hellman Fellow

As part of the Academy’s Initiative for Science, Engineering, and Technology, the Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy provides an opportunity for an early-career professional with training in science or engineering to learn about a career in public policy and administration. While in residence, Hellman Fellows work with senior scientists and policy experts on critical national and international policy issues related to science, engineering, and technology.

Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations and Chief Operating Officer

We Are:

Fermilab is America’s premier laboratory for particle physics and accelerator research, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. We support discovery science experiments in Illinois as well as other locations around the world including deep underground mines in South Dakota and Canada, mountaintops in Arizona and Chile, and additionally the South Pole!

Humanities Policy Fellow for Humanities, Arts, and Culture

The Humanities Policy Fellowship provides an opportunity for recent PhDs with training in the humanities or humanistic social sciences to learn about a career in public policy and administration. While in residence, the Humanities Policy Fellow serves as a full-time member of the staff, contributing to ongoing Academy projects in the Humanities, Arts, and Culture program area. Current work in the area includes the Humanities Indicators, development of a history of the American Academy, as well as development of new programs.