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Welcome to MinorityPostdoc.org

This is the premier web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience featuring news, articles, resources, and events about jobs, career advice, professional development, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues.

HHMI $1.5 Million Hanna Gray Fellowship

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is pleased to announce the 2025 competition for the Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program. The program is a transformational award for early career researchers who show exceptional promise of becoming outstanding leaders in academic science, making foundational discoveries while building an inclusive scientific culture. Fellows will receive funding for their postdoctoral training ($80,000 annually for up to four years) and during their early years as independent faculty (grant of $270,000 annually for up to four years). Applications are due on February 26, 2025.

Learn more about the 2025 competition from the Hanna Gray Fellows team in these informational webinars.

  • January 23, 2025, 3:30-4:30 p.m. ET Register
  • January 30, 2025, 3:30-4:30 p.m. ET Register
Slide with dark blue background behind following white text on separate lines: "Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program; 2025 Competition Now Open; Information Webinars: January 23 & January 30; Register Today". The first line is flanked on left by stylized letter "H" filled with green and blue geometric shapes. On right of text are similar green and blue geometric triangle and square shapes filled with scientific images such as proteins and cells.

DivSch24 Conference Success! Future Webinars

Our 2024 DiverseScholar Postdoctoral Conference (#DivSch24) was a success! Around 30 PhD trainees with 15 speakers, facilitators, and staff participated in our September 6-7 event in Orange County, CA. This seventh conference had professional development sessions, research presentations, and opportunities for recruiting. All activities support our membership in their postdoctoral and professional career exploration especially to diversify academia. We thank sponsors National Institutes of Health, Virginia Tech, and Stanford University.

We will be scheduling online webinars for selected topics so more can learn from our content experts such as about Chalk Talks for faculty job interviews. Members should watch for announcements in our monthly newsletter.

Jobs & Other Advertisements

MinorityPostdoc.org is a niche marketing site with a diverse readership. The Job listings page has a complete roster of institutions who are reaching out to expand the diversity of their candidate applicant pools for professional/faculty or graduate/postdoc positions. Below is a subset of our advertisers.

Chronicle of Higher Education, September 2011

...the 'NSF Career-Life Balance Initiative,' will allow researchers who receive NSF grants to delay their awards for up to one year to care for a newborn or a newly adopted child...

Our Contact List has 1,000+ Emails!

Our Monthly Newsletter Contact List has over 1,000 emails! To put that number in perspective, NSF estimates that there are only 3,000 underrepresented minority postdocs in the USA. The word clouds below show the institutions and names present in our email contact list.

names of Doctoral Directory members institutions of Doctoral Directory members