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Welcome to MinorityPostdoc.org

This is the premier web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience featuring news, articles, resources, and events about jobs, career advice, professional development, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues.

Virtual Office Has Opened!

Our virtual office using the Gatherly video conferencing service has opened! We will be using this online platform for appointments especially our new 1-on-1 career sessions. These counseling opportunities will pilot our virtual career center for members of our Doctoral Directory. PhD trainees on our mailing lists can find announcements this summer about how to sign-up for free 30 minute career sessions with partner career counselor, Lauren Lyon.
Screenshot of office floor plan showing illustrated items including office furniture and logos on a light gray woodgrain background. From left to right, illustrated items are the following: a) light brown couch, coffee table, and two chairs; b) logos of NIH, VirginiaTech, and the DiverseScholar green turtle; and c) brown long table with two computers and green office chairs. Black font text labels include "Welcome Floor" at top, "Welcome" in the center, "Help Desk" beside the long table, "Elevators" at bottom left, and "Exit" at bottom right.

Jobs & Other Advertisements

MinorityPostdoc.org is a niche marketing site with a diverse readership. The Job listings page has a complete roster of institutions who are reaching out to expand the diversity of their candidate applicant pools for professional/faculty or graduate/postdoc positions. Below is a subset of our advertisers.

November 13 2024 - November 16 2024
: Pittsburgh, PA
Science, 1999-Sep-3 (paywall)

The tiny number of minority postdocs suggests that the problem starts at the beginning of the pipeline. Still, very little is being done to plug the leaks near the end, where careers are meant to blossom.

Our Contact List has 1,000+ Emails!

Our Monthly Newsletter Contact List has over 1,000 emails! To put that number in perspective, NSF estimates that there are only 3,000 underrepresented minority postdocs in the USA. The word clouds below show the institutions and names present in our email contact list.

names of Doctoral Directory members institutions of Doctoral Directory members