We produced a postdoctoral professional development session at the 2022 annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). At this conference in Puerto Rico, our #2022NDiSTEM session was:
Postdoc Fundamentals: Selecting a Training Experience to Match Your Career Goals
Advanced PhD graduate students will learn how postdoctoral training can enhance their career goals. Presenters will describe 1) different postdoc types, 2) advisor & project selection considerations, 3) sources of funding, & 4) resources for professional development such as MinorityPostdoc.org and the CienciaPuertoRico Yale Ciencia Academy.
Find at end the #2022NDiSTEM and #PostdocFun Tweets.

#Postdoc Fundamentals Speakers
(Pictured above from left to right)
Alberto Roca, Ph.D., Moderator/Chair
Executive Director, DiverseScholar; @MinorityPostdoc
Marcos J. Ramos-Benitez
Assistant Professor of Microbiology,
Ponce Health Sciences University; @dr_mjramos
Yaihara Fortis Santiago, Ph.D.,
Associate Director, Postdoctoral Affairs and Trainee Diversity Initiatives,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; @yfortiss
A.I. Roca (2020) Diversity Funding for Your Postdoctoral Research: Advice for a Successful Experience, DiverseScholar 11:2