Tech Industry Diversity: Do Not Forget Latinos

Alberto I. Roca, Victoria Lopez, and Jose Saenz

Apple (2014) Inclusion inspires innovation,, accessed April 24 (but linking to August 12 archive)

Apple (2015) Inclusion inspires innovation,, accessed August 13

Apple (2015) The future of tech isn't a product. It's people.,, accessed August 13 (but linking to August 14 archive)

M. Lev-Ram (2015) Apple commits more than $50 million to diversity efforts, Fortune, March 10

J.S. Passel & D. Cohn (2008) U.S. Population Projections: 2005-2050, Pew Research Center

A. Roca (2015) Apple 2015 Workforce #Diversity Stats, Wakelet, August 13 (originally Storify)

Alberto I. Roca, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of DiverseScholar and Founder/Editor of Victoria Lopez and Jose Saenz are both freelance multimedia journalists and recent graduates of California State University, Northridge. Any opinions expressed in this report are solely those of the interviewees and the production team. We thank the National Association of Hispanic Journalists Los Angeles chapter's LatinCon event for bringing us together.


A.I. Roca, V. Lopez, & J. Saenz (2015) Tech Industry Diversity: Do Not Forget Latinos. DiverseScholarTV, August 2

Originally published 2-Aug-2015

Editor's Note

DiverseScholar is now selectively producing original digital media reports to complement our DiverseScholar written articles.

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